
Auto market filled with gloom despite falling prices

【VNA, Tuesday 12, 2019 10:28】

Experts believe the Vietnamese automobile market will rev up at the end of the year and the beginning of 2020 as the Lunar New year nears and demand for cars is high.

ZF opens first plant in Vietnam, adds Vinfast as a new customer

【Autocar Pro News Desk, 11 Nov 2019】
ZF says the Vietnamese car industry is one of the fastest-growing in Southeast Asia, and the Hai Phong facility is its first local step in the market. Vinfast, which is the first Vietnamese automotive manufacturer, was founded in 2017 and relies on ZF as one of its main chassis technology suppliers.

Vietnam Is a Trade War Winner. Now It Has to Figure Out How to Stay Ahead

【Bloomberg Businessweek, Michelle Jamrisko, Oct. 29, 2019】

Even a surge in American demand for Vietnamese solar panels, which might normally count as good news, puts executives on edge - fearing an angry response from the White House.

杜拜WETEX 2019來台招商 茂迪等20多家業者爭取商機

2019-04-25 19:53 【經濟日報 記者張義宮╱即時報導】

杜拜國際水資源、能源、科技及環保展(WETEX 2019)與杜拜國際太陽能 (Dubai SolarShow )展覽會,今(25)日來台舉行貿易商機洽談會,包括茂迪 (6244)、士電、聯成電機、大井泵浦、元錩、三能國際等20多家廠商爭取商機。
WETEX 2019將於10月21至23日在杜拜國際會展中心舉行,台商參展重點及商機有智慧電表、太陽能、綠能、水處理、環保等,是爭取商機的大好機會,承展的捷達將協助成立台灣館,共同拓展中東市場。

2018 AUTOTECH 第14屆越南國際汽機車零配件展覽會盛大開展!

第14屆AUTOTECH西貢國際汽機車及零配件展於2018年5月24日在胡志明市西貢會展中心(SECC)舉行盛大開幕儀式。典禮由越南工商部工業局副局長Mr. Pham Tuan Anh、越南工商總會副會長Mr. Pham Tuan Anh、越南工業零組件協會秘書長Truong Thi Chi Binh博士、VIN集團副總裁Mr. Vo Quang Hue、越南發動機及農業機械公司董事Mr. Vu Quang Tam、越南亞洲商貿公司董事長Mr. Tao Linh、新北市汽車材料商業同業公會榮譽理事長蕭智文先生、杭州SFR科技公司總裁Mr. Cheng Xue Gen等貴賓共同剪綵。